Somewhere I saw this...
I just want everybody to be as happy as i am! Perhaps some of you already noticed, but in the great game XCOM3, There's a major bug, from where you can get a lot of money. And without a money cheat, the game is impossible, Just do EXACTLY like this:
  • Play the game a little bit, and research the "Bio Transport Mod",. When you are done with that, do a "Assign project" for the engineers and mark the "Bio-Transport Module" red, and notice that you loose $700, then press OK.
  • Now, you press "Assign project" again, and wow! now you got your $700 back,. Well, press OK. Do the "Assign" again, and there, you got $700 again! Cool cheat ehh? Just do this A LOT of time, and you get A LOT of cash!
  • Here is a hint to get cash in a faster way: Instead of working with the mouse all the time when you need a lot of money (puhh) and keep watching the screen, you place the mouse cursor over the "Assign project" and just let the arrow be there, and from now on, just keep hitting the Enter button but not too fast! Cause then the thing could mess up... Just follow a pretty fast rythm!