Rainbow six
To enter these codes, press " while playing then type the desired code...
avatargodThe character you control is invulnerable
teamgodGod mode for entire team
bignogginBig heads
meganogginHuge heads
exploreDisable victory conditions
turnpunchkickFlat players
5fingerdiscountAmmo refill
clodhopperBig hands and feet
nobrainerDisable AI
debugkeysDebug mode
1-900Heavy breathing
stumpyDeforms characters
silentbutdeadlyYou'll see

While playing, type " then type 'debugkeys'. To activate it hit ENTER, press F10, then press any of the following keys...

[F12]Level skip
[F7] or [F8]Suicide
[F6]Change view
[Comma], [Period], or /Adjust elevation