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Mech Commander
Cheat Codes
First off, upgrade your version of MechCommander to 1.8. Then copy your file (in the directory you installed MechCommander in) and rename it to ixtlriimceourl with no extensions.

In the Logistics Phase, the mech setup stage the cheats are:

poundofflesh - This cheat gives you 1000000 RP.
rockandrollpeople - Turns off the drop weight limit on the Battalion Transport.
In actual combat, the cheats are:

CTRL-ALT-W - Finishes the mission.
osmium - Makes you invincible to enemy attacks.
lorrie - Repairs your mechs and vehicles gives back wasted ammo.
lordbunny - Unlimited nuke strikes. Hold "b" no quotes and left-click.
mineeyeshaveseentheglory - Reveals the map.
deadeye - Max gunnery skill on MechWarriors.
framegraph - Shows the framerate.

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