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Jedi Knight:Mysteries of the Sith
While playing, press T then enter any of the codes below.
iamagodAll force powers
diediedieAll weapons
gimmiestuffFull inventory
gameoverLevel skip
statuesque 0Disable AI
statuesque 1Enable AI
trainmeForce level up
freebirdFlight mode
boinga onInvulnerable
boinga offNot invulnerable
cartographDisplay full map
gospeedso 0Slow motion
gospeedso 1Normal speed

Secret Level
PLEASE NOTE: This information is provided solely as a bonus for owners of Mysteries of the Sith. Since the secret level was not included as part of the standard version of the game, LucasArts will not be able to offer any further support than the information contained within this document.


Please do not contact the Technical Support department with questions/comments related to this level, as they will be unable to offer assistance.


If there isn't one already, create a new directory in your MotS directory called "Episode"


Inside the "Episode" directory, create another directory called "MotS Secret Level"


Unzip the UNSUPPORTED.ZIP file, which can be found in the GameData/Resource/Video directory of your Mysteries of the Sith CD.


Copy the "Jkl" and "Cog" directories from UNSUPPORTED.ZIP into the "MotS Secret Level" directory.


Right-click here and select "Save Target As.." to download the file episode.jk to the "MotS Secret Level" directory.


Run Mysteries of the Sith


Select "Single Player"


Select "New Game"


Choose "MotS Secret Level" from the episode list

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