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Independence Day
Enter one of the following names as your "Player Name" at the main menu. Exit back to the main menu and press CTRL-RIGHT SHIFT-8 to enable the cheat menu.
BRENDAN QRenables all cheats.
DAB DABenables all cheats.
DOOFUSenables all cheats.
FOX ROXlevel select.
GO POSTALgives damage bonus, all weapons and fast reload.
GODZILLAkill civil, kill wing.
GREG FMenables all cheats.
KIWIenables all cheats.
KYRA NRenables all cheats.
LIVE FREEgrants invincibility.
MR HAPPYplane select.
RADARMYenables all cheats.
ROSA DUONGenables all cheats.
SCOTTYWARenables all cheats.
TOURISTlevel select.
TRI Senables all cheats.

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