Duke Nukem 3D
Code Description
dnunlock Unlocks doors
dnallen says a message
dnclip walk through walls (very unstable)
dncosmo another message
dnhyper steroids effect
dnbeta yet another message
dnskill# set skill level
dncoords shows your coordinates
dnrate displays the frame rate
dnitems gives you power-ups
dnkeys all keys
dndebug displays debug info
dninventory all power-ups
dnweapons all weapons and full ammo
dnmonsters toggles the monsters off
dncashman throws money when you hit the use key
dnview external Duke view (same as F7)
dnscotty## level warp (episode, two-digit level number). To warp to level 7 in episode 1, you would type dnscotty107. It is important to include the zeroes
dnstuff all weapons, keys and power-ups
dnshowmap shows entire map
dncornholio God mode and unlimited jetpack
dnkroz same as Cornholio, but easier to type