Duke Nukem 3D Atomic
While playing, type any of these codes to get the desired effect.
dnkrozGod mode
dncornholioSame as above
dnhyperInstant steroids!
dnclipWalk through SOME walls
dnstuffAll keys, ammo, weapons, and items
dnitemsFull armor and all keys
dnkeysAll keys
dnweaponsAll weapons and ammo
dndebugJust shows info, not needed...
dncoordsDisplay coordinates
dnshowmapDisplay entire map
dnunlockToggle all doors
dnscotty###Warp to episode #, level ##
dninventoryAll inventory
dnmonstersToggle monsters on/off
dncashmanThrow cash when spacebar ispressed
dnendingEnd episode
dneatFull health
dnnukFull ammo
dnskill #0-nomonster 1-4 is skill level
dnview Same as F7
dnrateDisplays frame rate
dncosmoDisplays "Register Cosmo today!"
dnbetaDisplays "Pirates Suck!"
dntimeDisplays a message
dntoddDisplays a message