Dark Forces

Just type the following codes during any mission...
Code Description
lamaxout All weapons, keys, etc
labug Bug Mode: This cheat lets you squeeze through narrow passages and greatly reduces your size when crouching (very helpful in the garbage crusher).
lacds Reveal Map: Use this cheat to get a full map of your current level and locations of all enemies, objects and doors.
ladata Reveal Navigation Counter: Useful in marking the exact coordinate of items and important corridors.
laimlame Invincibility Toggle: God Mode lamaxoutFull ammo, shields, and weapons; plus complete inventoy of items all maxed out.
lantfh This cheat allows you to teleport to the current map position one level above or below your current location.
lapogo Disable height checking; allows you to reach those high precipices and ledges without any cumbersome climbing gear.
lapostal Get all weapons and ammo.
larandy The cheat produces the same effect as the weapon super charge power-up, giving you an increase in rate of fire from all weapons for 50 seconds.
laredlite Freezes enemies in their tracks. All enemies take damage in this mode, but you'll need to toggle it off before it takes effect.
laskip Typing this cheat successfully completes the current level.
launlock Get all keys, code cards, the broken Dark Trooper gun, data tape, ice cleats and Phrink metal.

Level Codes For those of you stuck in the early levels of the game, the following cheats will transport you to any level you want. Just type in the cheat during the game, and you're on your way.

Code Level
lasecbase Level 1: Secret Base (The Death Star Plans)
latalay Level 2: Talay: Tac Base
lasewers Level 3: Anoat City (The Subterranean Hideout)
latestbase Level 4: Imperial Weapons Research Facility
lagromas Level 5: Gromas Mines
ladtention Level 6: Imperial Detention Center
laramshed Level 7: Ramsees Hed Docking Port
larobotics Level 8: Robotics Construction Facility
lanarshada Level 9: Nar Shaddaa
lajabship Level 10: Jabba's Ship
laimpcity Level 11: Imperial City
lafuelstat Level 12: Fuel Station
laexecutor Level 13: The Executor
laarc Level 14: The Arc Hammer