Damage Incorporated

Hold CTRL and enter one of the codes below during play. You will hear breaking glass if entered correctly.
atheistgod mode
axesgives you all access cards
medicgives your squad members full heath
chatmakes squad members talk
nimrodmakes squad member rebel against you
aslaggives you all wepions and ammo and full heath
oxygivs you full oxygen
vomitchanges field view to 170 degree veiw
acidgives you infrared vision
klatufreezes all enemies
ksakills squad member 1
ksbkills squad member 2
ksckills squad member 3
ksdkills squad member 4
horsegives you all grenades
dethgives you rocket gun with ammo
toztgives you a flamethrower
ventgives you atwo mp5n machine gu with ammo
thrillgives all members all wepions
hdcsmakes members go wild
phnxgives mebers full heath
qedcomplets mision objetive
extmakes area extraction zone
soiaskip mission
armgives you full armor
hellgives you full heath
phishchanges field view
bluemap shows locations
godeyemap reveals all locations of enemy(green dots) and objects(white dots)
asdsuper jump
woogives you two pistols and all the ammo
freedomgives you two shoot guns and all the ammo
xsegives you an m16 and all the ammo