Cyber Gladiator

To activate these cheats enter them at the fighter selection screen, and you have to enter them just like a move in the game - quckly and accurately. If you enter the codes correctly, you'll hear a nice ka-boom.
Code Description
U, D, U, D, U, D, L, R, L (W, S, W, S,

W, S, A, D, A on keyboard for player 1)

Unlimited continues
U, D, PK+SK (W, D, J+L on keyboard

for player 1)

Disco mode
U+L, U, D, D+R (W+A, W, S, S+D on

keyboard for player 1)

Limb Loss


• Highlight Psyclopps and enter PK, PP, SK, PP (J, I, L, I on keyboard for player 1) - Fight as Shrapp

• Highlight Carnigore and enter SK, PP, PK (L, I, J on keyboard for player 1) >- Fight as Carnigore